Tiger Woods Hurt in Car Crash.


Forum Member
Feb 23, 2005
Woods, 33, pulled out of his driveway in the Isleworth community about 2:25 a.m. when he struck a fire hydrant, and then drove into a tree at his neighbor's property, FHP reported.

?? LOL, WTF?


Forum Member
Jul 30, 2003
How can you be in serious condition if the air bags never even deployed?

I sure hope he is ok. Why is that guy driving himself at 2:25am or any time for that matter?
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Jul 13, 1999
Tiger Woods injured in early morning car crash, hospitalized with facial injuries

Vancouver SunNovember 27, 2009 12:18 PMBe the first to post a comment

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A closer satellite view of the block where the crash happened.

Photograph by: Screengrab, Google.com/maps

Florida's WESH 2 News has reported golfer Tiger Woods was injured at approximately 2 a.m. Friday morning when he hit a fire hydrant and continued into a tree outside of his Isleworth home.

The Florida Highway Patrol has confirmed Woods was injured in the crash and was taken to hospital.

Woods has apparently been treated for facial lacerations. The Health Care Hospital in Ocohee, Florida, where he is said to have been taken, is saying he's not currently a patient.

The Florida Highway Patrol said the crash did not involve alcohol, though charges are pending.

The incident happened outside a neighbour's home. Woods was driving a 2009 Escalade at the time of the incident.

The Orlando Sentinel is reporting that the airbags in Woods' SUV failed to deploy on impact, which would indicate his vehicle was traveling at low speed.

The accident comes just days after tabloid magazines speculated that Woods was involved in a marital affair.

There are no reports of any passengers in the vehicle

DIRTY Diapers

Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 13, 2005
Bullshit... I find it hard to believe that alcohol didn't play a factor. It was at 2:30 in the morning, hits a fire hydrant, then goes on to hit a tree. Something fishy...

Slink Dawg

He was trying to get a good spot in line at Best Buy for the black Friday sales.
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Forum Member
Jul 30, 2003
Yeah, that could be the reason too...

It could be but that still doesn't make sense. A sober Woods commits domestic violence then leaves his home at 2:25am. And because he is so upset he crashes a fire hydrant and hits a tree?

He may have committed domestic violence but I doubt he was sober.

What a tough life...

DIRTY Diapers

Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 13, 2005
It could be but that still doesn't make sense. A sober Woods commits domestic violence then leaves his home at 2:25am. And because he is so upset he crashes a fire hydrant and hits a tree?

He may have committed domestic violence but I doubt he was sober.

What a tough life...

I agree... I posted earlier it seems fishy that no alcohol played a part in this...