Recent content by Duff Miver

  1. Duff Miver

    This guy KNOWS Trump Whatta' POS Trump is.
  2. Duff Miver

    Did Lindsey Graham

    actually grow one teesy tiny ball?
  3. Duff Miver

    What a vain cocksukker
  4. Duff Miver

    Kamala Harris She's ahead of Trump already. and Pence "can't wait" to debate her. She'll chew him up and spit him out. Just like she did with that frat-boy AH Kavanaugh.
  5. Duff Miver

    Kamala Harris - nasty bitch

    So says the orange blob. But he knows nothing. Just wait. She'll rip off his tiny balls and feed them to pigs, When she gets done fucking him, he'll never need Ex-Lax again. And when she gets finished with Mike Pence he'll be crying "Mama, that nasty bitch cut off my lil dicky and made me...
  6. Duff Miver

    Work for a living?

    If so....bend over and grease up: The President seems to believe $600 a week is too generous. Meanwhile, he gets free housing, free health care, a free helicopter and a jumbo jet. Oh, and his family charged the taxpayers nearly $1 million to house Secret Service and other federal employees at...
  7. Duff Miver

    Trump wants his facer on Mt. Rushmore Sure thing....just as soon as they add a pile of dogshit...
  8. Duff Miver

    More lies, falsehoods and altered photos from The Trumphole

    Can you believe this shitola? Facebook and Twitter nail him again. Coming soon : a ban from all social media. He deserves it...
  9. Duff Miver

    Nodody likes me...Waaaa, boo-hoo, sniffle

    Just because I'm a slimy, lying, tax-cheating, Putin-loving, whore-hopping, ignorant, draft-dodging, lazy piece of dogshit. Waaaa Waaaa, Waaa.
  10. Duff Miver

    John Lewis funeral

    Obama was there Bush was there Clinton was there Trump wasn't there Why? It's simple. John Lewis was a man of principle and courage. Trump is a lying coward. When Trump dies the line will be miles long - all of them eager to shit on his grave. I'll be there. Four bean burritos and a...
  11. Duff Miver

    Donald Trump whines: "Nobody likes me."

    Hmmmm. Wonder why? Non-stop lying? Tax cheating? Bigotry and racism? Cowardice? Skank banging? More lying? Colluding with the Russians? Sucking up to Putin and Kim Il Jung? More lying? Race-baiting? Attempts to violate the Constitution? More lying? Whining like a little bitch? Pardoning...
  12. Duff Miver

    The good news just keeps coming

    Florida: Trump vs. Biden Mason-Dixon Biden 50, Trump 46 Biden +4 Wednesday, July 29 Race/Topic (Click to Sort) Poll Results Spread General Election: Trump vs. Biden Economist/YouGov Biden 49, Trump 40 Biden +9 General Election: Trump vs. Biden Rasmussen Reports Biden 48, Trump 42...
  13. Duff Miver

    Bye-bye Facebook

    It's a goner. So says Trump's conoravirus expert. Who voted for this ignorant piece of dogshit anyway?
  14. Duff Miver

    Cockroach and Trump

    Asshole buddies -
  15. Duff Miver

    Tucker Carlson, Good for Trump.

    Catch this shitola: Tucker Carlson praises Trump every night. and Tucker averages 4 million viewers. Yep, 4 million. Of course they're the same 4 million every night. and there were 128,000,000 voters in the last election. So Carlson's faithful are 3% of the total. Barely enough to wipe...