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  1. P

    Trump supporters promises Donald Trump has made so far in his campaign for a second term. No way this looks like less government to me
  2. P

    Just curious 🧐

    If I committed fraud wouldn’t the IRS be right in line licking there chops going boy you are one fucked duck.
  3. P


    Do you think the orange piece of shit is going to get a 40 vehicle motercade to and from and from and to every time he has to be in court. I personally think he should be on his own. He claims to be a billionaire, let him prove it. You fuck up it should be on you to get there. Watching the...
  4. P

    Why? Okay

    Why doesn’t trump have to post bail and surrender his passport, and wear a bracelet on home confinement. If I was the judge I would tell him this about following the law and not working on your schedule. No way on earth would I kiss his ass.
  5. P

    Is maralgo trumps home?

    Not a chance in my mind. He sucked in there to stay close to the classified documents he housed. It would be much easier and less suspicious than having people come to an actual residence. Who would question four (take your pick) Russian spys pulling up with rental car liscense plates. Nobody...
  6. P

    So, who is the informant on trump?

    I’m guessing kushner. kushner - 270 cleaning lady or janitor + 230
  7. P

    What the fuck!

    Okay, let’s say a prayer and move on.
  8. P

    Why is it now ok to lie

    Explain to me.
  9. P

    18 year olds buying guns

    18 year olds buying guns , I mean what the fuck. You can’t buy a 6 pack of beer until you are 21, but you can buy an ak47. Somebody explain this to me.
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    Mu vs Kentucky

    My take is Missouri gets blown out. Line looks like it will be in the.20+ range. Conzo has coronavirus, which won?t hurt Missouri, he sucks big time. Kansas killed them and so did Illinois. I suspect Kentucky wins by 30+.
  11. P


    What does it stand for you. I will start this, fill free to add to it. Morons are governing again. My ass got acne. Making attorneys get attorneys. Many are getting arrested. My favorite. Millionaire asshole golfing again.
  12. P

    Just out of curiosity.

    Who did the books declare the winner? I saw where they were taking wagers on who won. Biden vs, Trump.
  13. P

    Hey Old School Hey Old School, this looks right up your alley.
  14. P

    Republican Louie gohmert

    Texas rep. tested positive for the coronavirus. He blames it on wearing a mask. He said wearing the mask caused him to contact the virus. He is now complaining that he is pregnant. Said it was caused by all of the people telling him to fuck off.:mj07:
  15. P

    Ghislaine Maxwell

    She was just denied bail. She was determined to be a flight risk. I would make a max bet, betting she doesn?t live to testify. Are there any odds out yet? If not I?m sure there will be.
  16. P

    Who here supports Kanye west? Raise your hand.

    And bitch slap your dumb ass until you can?t stand.
  17. P

    Why would?

    The governor of North Carolina let the gop move out of the state of North Carolina. I would have said fuck it, bring them all in. Do you want some big ass circus tents. Hell yes we will put them up. You want closed circuit TV sets, how fucking many. You got em. This area only holds about...
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    Donnie dick head

    Come on man, this shit is easy. All you have to do is tell all the white kkk members is We need you to take care of us. Not to mention they taste just like children and hell there is no limit. Make sure you come heavily armed, a rocket launcher or two could sure soft up the looters. Come on...
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    This is about Donnie dickhead. To start with he was a lying, hypocritical, arrogant piece of shit. After reading old school?s good articles I can now add narcissistic piece of shit. But whoa, he isn?t done yet, I will now add ignorant to the list. So we now have lying, hypocritical, arrogant...
  20. P

    Daytona 500

    I wonder what it cost us taxpayers to get dumb fuck to Daytona to make a political rally.