Recent content by Slumdog

  1. S


    😂 True dat
  2. S

    Sometimes I wonder

    And I concur to all the above !!!! Idk but their magic tricks have gotten really really good over the years. They put my ass into blackjack retirement… and I was the guy who started playing at noon and was still at it (Same seat Same table) at 2 in the morning. 😂 damn it was Nice to be young
  3. S


    Love this card. Let’s get em. GL
  4. S

    Sunday par ~

    This will pay ! Let’s go ! 😎
  5. S

    I just want to say F*ck the Suns

    Durant looks washed. Booker looks out of shape and fat. And Beal is a shell of his former self. These people are way too rich and when you get older and THAT rich. It’s hard to give a fuck anymore. Only rare egomaniacs like lebron still try hard. That’s my rant and two cents for the...
  6. S


    5.30 pm tip. Any thoughts tonight ? Thx
  7. S


    Yea 100%! Disgusting ! Bunch of losers. And I’m a childhood Yankee fan of 50 years. ! lol Also had bases loaded twice. Couldn’t push any runs across. Anyway. Thx for posting. You’re in the zone. Keep it going and thx for sharing
  8. S


    I feel your pain steel man. It’s ok. Mind over matter. No pain no gain reset reboot tonight you kill em !!!! I won last night but this would have decapitated my rep.
  9. S


    Great capping steel ! Awesome stuff on both boards. Fkn yanks would have been the icing on the cake. Bums
  10. S


    Nice cross sport sweep last night. 😎
  11. S


    Hhahhahaha. Trust me. I’m still pissed off I didn’t pound it. We hit that three teamer day earlier and the heart needed a night off. lol shits stressful ! 😂
  12. S


    Great calll. I didn’t have the gonads to back them or Indy like I did game one. I laid off. Keep it rolling. Thx
  13. S

    Home teams 10-0 since Wednesday.

    I agree 100%. It’s sad. I grew up watching celts battle the lakers in the 80’s. That was real basketball. They actually allowed physical contact without blowing the whistle. Now they take threes. Kick out there leg and they get 3 ft’s. If they did that in 80’s and 90’s. They would have...
  14. S

    Home teams 10-0 since Wednesday.

    Okc first half was run up and down the court and jack up threes. 😂. I turned it off. Now 12 home teams in a row and 13/14 in playoffs. Can three more win tonight ? We should be capitalizing off this. p.s. is it me or do they palm the ball on every play. I think Luka palms it every time...
  15. S

    Home teams 10-0 since Wednesday.

    Guess not…. We have to admit. These games have been total trash so far. The only decent one was Knicks. No wonder ratings crashed and no one watching. The Product sux Curious to see the numbers when they come out.
  16. S

    Home teams 10-0 since Wednesday.

    Holy fuk. Going large on Indy to break this streak. Indy/okc par
  17. S


    Great game to be at happyjack Nice going steel. I added Cavs and hit em for a three teamer. Let’s get em Manana. Thx
  18. S


    I did. Thxxxxx.
  19. S


    What ya seeing tonight steel man ?? Good luck
  20. S

    Let’s ruin the bookies wknd

    Good luck madjackers
  21. S

    Matt Chapman

    😂 Love it
  22. S

    Plays Thur

    Sweep… incoming. GL
  23. S


    I went large on this. Had em and doubled my bet after you posted. Had to change my undies going down 13 but glad we got it. Phew. Let’s get em Tongiht again
  24. S


    True dat brotha. Keep it rolling. Epic steel run incoming. 🤟💪
  25. S


    Hahahahha. Thx for the nightly sweep !!!! I missed the cancellations. LOL
  26. S


    Time to sweep these mitherfkrs Good luck steel
  27. S

    I hate the fukin Cubs

    Yesterday I had 100 bucks. 13 teamer. It went 10-3. The three losses were Braves. Up 4-0. Lost. Cubs. Up 8-0. Lost. Dbacks up 4-1. Lost. It would have paid 57 k I know your pain
  28. S


    The UConn cover streak ends tonight.
  29. S

    Need help…this will be confusing.

    That’s a true hedge. Congrats. I like your chances to win both sides.
  30. S

    Need help…this will be confusing.

    You can’t really hedge. It doesn’t set up as a true hedge. Whether I understand a bubble or not. lol. The 200 you win with the pool. Allows You to bet 100 on UConn moneyline. And that would only pay 30 bucks. It’s not worth it. Pray the Purdue backcourt is hot from the outside and they...
  31. S

    Need help…this will be confusing.

    What’s a bubble ? Lol. Sorry.
  32. S

    That’s rough

    GL madjackers
  33. S

    That’s rough

    🤢🤢🤢 Damn
  34. S

    Earthquake Friday

  35. S


    Mhmmm 🫣 Good luck jackers
  36. S


  37. S


    lol. Yea boss. That embodies exactly how I feel. Bankroll down 35-40% from peak winnings off 1500 free bet august 2022. The peak was reached after superbowl 2023. Went sideways until nfl playoffs this past season where bottom fell out. one screw job after another since. F meeeee.🙄 😫...
  38. S


    This shit will test your sanity. Just a warning to the newbies. I’ve lost by one game every day since the start of the season. Another ticket up in flames