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  • 1 more thing... I stopped watching ESPN completely!! I only watch live sporting events. I won't and don't listen to their amateurish drivel. I have found that this has helped me see things much more clearly without the 'ESPN bias."
    Lol. I don't blame you. I don't believe most of the stuff I read on here and social medias. I'm legit in everything I post though. And, frankly, that WSOP success wasn't life changing or anything. It certainly didn't affect my bankroll or betting. I have used thespread and sportsinsights to get that info.. but I'm a guy for consensus. I don't trust any of the other sites. While covers isn't betting dollars, it is real people, really picking what they think will happen. I don't care what anyone says, that is more useful to me. And I know a lot of joes who like sports. Hearing those opinions helps.
    I don't use any services, systems, or programs. Like you, I tried , but nothing too sophisticated or too successful. I feel that is a dead end road. If it could be done successfully, it would be done, and even if you did it, people with more $$ and bigger edge would exploit it till it no longer existed. My "edge" is reading the lines like I do people at a poker table. I also am very knowledgeable about Sports, sports mentality, and strategy. I have watched and bet on literally thousands of games for 20 years now, so I have definitely seen it all. I have a trading background, so I understand odds and probabilities more than most. I am not afraid to win big. I learned this from trading. The daily grind is unwinnable if you don't exploit the hot streaks. Increase on winning streaks, and decrease on losing streaks. It also helps that I have a huge bankroll. I have been able to sustain some sizeable losses in my betting career. I love situational betting (good spots, bad spots, etc.).
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