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  • Hope your doing well RR! I'm hopefully anticipating your return to MJ for tourney time or maybe a few days before......could use a boost to the bankroll before it starts. Thanks for what you do the vast majority appreciate the time and effort you put into capping.

    I need your help. I’m not a sports bettor but I got pretty drunk during he Super Bowl and deposited some money, taking the bonus, before the game. Now I have to churn that money 10x to get a nickel. I just found your postings. I made some money and moved the ball down the field towards getting my dang money back and now you’ve vanished.

    You make greatful players money and hurt the man. Have you considered the possibility that sports books read your information and would like you to stop spreading it? Maybe they found a way to stop you from hurting them. Help a brother out here.
    Riff, It's Tues night late...
    There's always somebody that has some bug up their ass to search for an error and scream "Liar!! Scammer!!" blah blah... fuk em.
    Bottom Line is...
    The VAST majority of ppl that view your threads appreciate the picks... and barely understand the effort it takes to post...esp all the picks that You post!

    the last few days of your posts, I started focusing on all the "Thumbs Up" ~
    I cannot keep up with all the other stuff.. tho I did pick another nugget or two from the list... thats just me.
    When you and Hawkeye line up on a total... or you and another guy I look at in Covers, it's extremely solid!
    I know I speak for several others saying that we appreciate what you do, and would really be helped if you decide to return and post
    anyway... Heard on the weather there's another 3-5 feet of snow heading to Tahoe!
    I know it's only been a few days... but to me I'm drifting aimlessly lol
    hope to see ya soon.. take care!

    Scott (LoB)
    Sorry to hear that the actions of a few stupid people can push good posters away. I looked forward to your posts, especially how early you put them out. Appreciate the time and effort you put in, I’ll miss seeing your posts. Good luck...
    When I get a little time I'll shoot you a call..... Trying to get a head start on capping Saturday long card.... Have a big family shindig in Reno this weekend... Gluck to you
    Hi RR;

    Would be very interested in connecting with you.....if Tim permits from your end be great to hear from you.

    My cell is 201 953-3381. I do use WhatsApp.


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