DeSantis Ends Campaign, LOL


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
You were in a dead heat until people got a taste of your personality! LMAO



Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
Will he now back Trump, like a good little soldier?

Never mind. I clicked the article. He is! What a fucking joke.
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Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
liberalism is a mental disorder, you are living proof
You've fallen for everything the Republicans have pitched and never delivered on, and you just keep coming back for more.

How many more decades of proof do you need that trickle down economics is a farce? Every time they get the WH, their term ends in economic disaster. EVERY TIME. You are a complete sucker and what's worse, you a dying for more.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 18, 2002
Among Libtards!!
seek help. Anyone that thinks Biden, the worst president to ever live is doing great is really fucked up.
Liberals can't help themselves. One day, TDS will be looked upon and treated as the mental illness that it is. These people need medication or institutionalization in a mental facility. Until that happens, normal people, with common sense, will have to deal with these dipsticks who can't see the forest for the trees.
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Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
Speaking of mental institutions, is that where you've been the last nine years?

Welcome back. Hope you got all your racial hatred figured out.

Say, Trump could use $83.3 million. Maybe you can rattle the tin cup for him?


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
seek help. Anyone that thinks Biden, the worst president to ever live is doing great is really fucked up.

Compare these with Trump's time in office, when he had to send people free money to keep them from starving and businesses were given free money so the economy wouldn't collapse.

Manufacturing in US is way up (CHIPS Act)
Construction on infrastructure is increasing (Infrastructure bill)
Unemployment is way down and more jobs have been created under this President than any other (see above)
GDP is higher than it was under Trump
Oil production is setting world records
Prescription drug prices are capped (Inflation Reduction Act)
Obamacare has been improved and has more people using it than ever
Crime is down
Inflation is the lowest among the G7 countries


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 5, 2005
Upstate NY
Compare these with Trump's time in office, when he had to send people free money to keep them from starving and businesses were given free money so the economy wouldn't collapse.

Manufacturing in US is way up (CHIPS Act)
Construction on infrastructure is increasing (Infrastructure bill)
Unemployment is way down and more jobs have been created under this President than any other (see above)
GDP is higher than it was under Trump
Oil production is setting world records
Prescription drug prices are capped (Inflation Reduction Act)
Obamacare has been improved and has more people using it than ever
Crime is down
Inflation is the lowest among the G7 countries
well, sure. but has he even ONCE talked about how smart putin, xi, or un (seriously?) is?
MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 18, 2002
Among Libtards!!
Speaking of mental institutions, is that where you've been the last nine years?

Welcome back. Hope you got all your racial hatred figured out.

Say, Trump could use $83.3 million. Maybe you can rattle the tin cup for him?
racial's rich. You don't know anything about me Charlie Brown. You're the prototypical weak minded liberal regurgitating the garbage you hear from your crush, Rachel Maddow. Liberals like you want their hands held by the government because you're too stupid, too chicken shit or too emasculated to do things yourself. So when it doesn't go your way, at least then, you can blame someone else for your failures....the definition of a loser!!

So you bury your head in the sand and you blame Trump and conservatives for YOUR weakness. I haven't been here because I have a life unlike you it appears. I just stopped by to see who was still around this place and by the looks of it, not many. This site is pretty much dead but I did read a few of your comments and couldn't pass up the chance to smack you around a little bit just for old times sake, you're still the same wussie I remember you to be.

As for Trump, your next President, he will be just fine. I know you're a mental midget but he is a billionaire, I don't think he needs my help. In the meantime, you keep voting for dipshits like Biden, doing so will ensure that you get to stay in your mommies basement, your safe space. Charlie, it has been fun but you're too easy and far too cloddish (look it up, you'll learn a new word at least) for anymore of my time. Tootles!!


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
racial's rich. You don't know anything about me Charlie Brown. You're the prototypical weak minded liberal regurgitating the garbage you hear from your crush, Rachel Maddow. Liberals like you want their hands held by the government because you're too stupid, too chicken shit or too emasculated to do things yourself. So when it doesn't go your way, at least then, you can blame someone else for your failures....the definition of a loser!!

So you bury your head in the sand and you blame Trump and conservatives for YOUR weakness. I haven't been here because I have a life unlike you it appears. I just stopped by to see who was still around this place and by the looks of it, not many. This site is pretty much dead but I did read a few of your comments and couldn't pass up the chance to smack you around a little bit just for old times sake, you're still the same wussie I remember you to be.

As for Trump, your next President, he will be just fine. I know you're a mental midget but he is a billionaire, I don't think he needs my help. In the meantime, you keep voting for dipshits like Biden, doing so will ensure that you get to stay in your mommies basement, your safe space. Charlie, it has been fun but you're too easy and far too cloddish (look it up, you'll learn a new word at least) for anymore of my time. Tootles!!
I believe YYZ was able to retire around age 50. He doesn't need a government handout and doesn't have any failures to blame on someone know, like the Republicans that blame their failures on blacks and mexicans.

He's retired, so he has time to post as much as he chooses. Free country, remember?

If Trump is our next president, you're going to get fucked again. He'll blame it on the Democrats, but rest assured, if you aren't a billionaire you won't be getting anything. He's a billionaire because his uber wealthy daddy gave him $100m. Any idiot, save a few of you clowns, could become a billionaire with that kind of seed money.

Feel free to address my post where I listed out Biden's accomplishments!


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 18, 2002
Among Libtards!!
I believe YYZ was able to retire around age 50. He doesn't need a government handout and doesn't have any failures to blame on someone know, like the Republicans that blame their failures on blacks and mexicans.

He's retired, so he has time to post as much as he chooses. Free country, remember?

If Trump is our next president, you're going to get fucked again. He'll blame it on the Democrats, but rest assured, if you aren't a billionaire you won't be getting anything. He's a billionaire because his uber wealthy daddy gave him $100m. Any idiot, save a few of you clowns, could become a billionaire with that kind of seed money.

Feel free to address my post where I listed out Biden's accomplishments!
nobody said YYZ was getting handouts and if he retired at 50, God Bless him but you didn't get the point. As for your post, I don't need to address the stuff you posted, nobody (except for a few of the elites) are better off today than they were under Trump, period. So you can list all of the BS you want and make all of the excuses you want, at the end of the day, the American people are in way worse shape under Biden and that's why his approval rating is the worst of any President beside Jimmy Carter. So with that being said, I'll take my chances with a guy who proved to me he can make my life better in all aspects than I will with a guy who has proven to me he knows how to destroy my life and the country as a whole. You guys keep drinking the kool-aid and listening to the liberal elites who can't stand you even though you claim to be one of them.....I have news for you, you aren't, they hate your're nothing more than a usual idiot to them.

As for Trump and his money......good for him.....there are a lot of families that have generational wealth, I'm not mad or jealous of him. Trump has done a lot of good with his money and employed a lot of people over the years, so if he turned 100 million into billions, that's great for not only him, but a lot of other people.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 5, 2005
Upstate NY
nobody said YYZ was getting handouts and if he retired at 50, God Bless him but you didn't get the point. As for your post, I don't need to address the stuff you posted, nobody (except for a few of the elites) are better off today than they were under Trump, period. So you can list all of the BS you want and make all of the excuses you want, at the end of the day, the American people are in way worse shape under Biden and that's why his approval rating is the worst of any President beside Jimmy Carter. So with that being said, I'll take my chances with a guy who proved to me he can make my life better in all aspects than I will with a guy who has proven to me he knows how to destroy my life and the country as a whole. You guys keep drinking the kool-aid and listening to the liberal elites who can't stand you even though you claim to be one of them.....I have news for you, you aren't, they hate your're nothing more than a usual idiot to them.

As for Trump and his money......good for him.....there are a lot of families that have generational wealth, I'm not mad or jealous of him. Trump has done a lot of good with his money and employed a lot of people over the years, so if he turned 100 million into billions, that's great for not only him, but a lot of other people.
ok, we have another cult member who would still vote for donny even if donny fucked him in the ass. with no consent. or lube. hell, you might like it. i'm not judging.

but if you're such a smart guy... and your life is currently destroyed... perhaps you can answer the question i posed in another thread...

please name one republican policy from the last 40 years that helps the working class.

and while you are responding to questions... please elaborate on how exactly joe biden has destroyed your life.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 18, 2002
Among Libtards!!
cult member......lmfao. Don't you guys have any original material? And those who talk about getting fucked in the ass know all about it.....but you do you boo boo.

Reading is fundamental....but comprehending is more fundamental. If you think the high gas prices, high food prices, extreme inflation, high interest rates, engaging in and funding foreign wars, crime, open borders, homelessness, mental illness, drug overdoses and addiction etc., etc., etc., is ok or under control, you're either nuts or just lying.

Or how about being mandated to get multitudes of jabs by the liberal losers you worship....that was fun huh? Wasn't it cool how they did indeed destroy peoples lives and their businesses....though you are probably a proud vaccine card carrying member. All of the working people including nurses, doctors, policemen, firemen and our military men and women who lost their jobs, their careers and most importantly, their God given rights as American citizens. (I'm sure you had your ass in the air multiple times like the good little boot licker you are, doing as you were told to get your jabs) Common sense people on my side knew it was a scam and all BS done to make you comply.....yet you call me a cult member as you complied and screamed out like a little bitch to anyone who didn't.) Were you one of the libturds who had a whole closet full of pretty little face diapers that you coordinated with your cute little outfits?

All of that I mentioned is on your boys watch, so don't give me the "tell me one thing in the last 40 years crap", this country has not in the past 40 years been in the peril it is right now due to your boy....if you can't see it and acknowledge that your boy is fucking this country up, you're a delusional dipshit. Just wait until the next terrorist attack thanks to your boy letting millions of illegals and terrorists think 9-11 was bad, the next attack they carry out will make that look like child's play. And you honestly think the donkeys have done one positive thing for you in the past 3're telling me you're better off now than you were under Trump, if so, you're a lying sack of shit. You need mental health treatment, TDS is a real thing!

Every election cycle, the Democrats feast on people like're weak, you're emasculated and you love big government telling you how/when/where. The Donkeys come around every election cycle promising you this, that and the other and you fall for it hook, line and sinker.

And one more thing, I'd be ashamed to say I support any politician or party that makes abortion their #1, #2, #3, #4, #5 and so on issue. Polling shows that abortion is at best, the 5th or 6th most important issue to the American people and abortions have declined significantly in the past 20 years, yet Joe and his hoe both attended abortion rallies last week.....think of that, rallying about killing the unborn, sometimes up to the time of're a sick POS and so is your party.

Go seek help, you need it.
Last edited:


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
nobody said YYZ was getting handouts and if he retired at 50, God Bless him but you didn't get the point. As for your post, I don't need to address the stuff you posted, nobody (except for a few of the elites) are better off today than they were under Trump, period. So you can list all of the BS you want and make all of the excuses you want, at the end of the day, the American people are in way worse shape under Biden and that's why his approval rating is the worst of any President beside Jimmy Carter. So with that being said, I'll take my chances with a guy who proved to me he can make my life better in all aspects than I will with a guy who has proven to me he knows how to destroy my life and the country as a whole. You guys keep drinking the kool-aid and listening to the liberal elites who can't stand you even though you claim to be one of them.....I have news for you, you aren't, they hate your're nothing more than a usual idiot to them.

As for Trump and his money......good for him.....there are a lot of families that have generational wealth, I'm not mad or jealous of him. Trump has done a lot of good with his money and employed a lot of people over the years, so if he turned 100 million into billions, that's great for not only him, but a lot of other people.
My life is definitely better now than it was under Trump. Way better. All the bad stuff affecting you personally that you attribute to Biden is either from COVID or Trump. The inflation was a combination of supply chain issues and Trump policies. He was sending people free money to keep them from starving to death and giving free/forgiven loans to businesses so they wouldn't go under. Remember that? Remember the tax cuts that were an "economic miracle" that were going to pay for themselves.....yeah, it cost us trillions. Those tariffs on China are being passed along to us in higher prices.

The fact that you are the one clamoring to give billionaires more tax breaks makes you the useful idiot. Trump wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire.

All the "BS" I listed is good for you, so go ahead and stick that thick skull of yours in the sand and pretend it didn't happen.
Record stock market is good for you, no?
Repairing our infrastructure will be good for you, no?
A robust economy is good for you, no?
Lower prescription drugs is good for you, no?
More jobs is good for everyone that is looking for work, no?

Keep denying what's actually happening. It's a great look.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 18, 2002
Among Libtards!!
Your boy just got 3 more of our service members killed on top of the 13 he was responsible for in Afghanistan. Not to mention the 160+ other drone strikes on our U.S.Forces he has ignored.

Your boy has American's blood all over his hands and when the terrorist attack here in our country, it will be thousands more.

Your boy is a pussy and so are both of you....two pieces of shit supporting the biggest POS!


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 5, 2005
Upstate NY
cult member......lmfao. Don't you guys have any original material? And those who talk about getting fucked in the ass know all about it.....but you do you boo boo.

Reading is fundamental....but comprehending is more fundamental. If you think the high gas prices, high food prices, extreme inflation, high interest rates, engaging in and funding foreign wars, crime, open borders, homelessness, mental illness, drug overdoses and addiction etc., etc., etc., is ok or under control, you're either nuts or just lying.

Or how about being mandated to get multitudes of jabs by the liberal losers you worship....that was fun huh? Wasn't it cool how they did indeed destroy peoples lives and their businesses....though you are probably a proud vaccine card carrying member. All of the working people including nurses, doctors, policemen, firemen and our military men and women who lost their jobs, their careers and most importantly, their God given rights as American citizens. (I'm sure you had your ass in the air multiple times like the good little boot licker you are, doing as you were told to get your jabs) Common sense people on my side knew it was a scam and all BS done to make you comply.....yet you call me a cult member as you complied and screamed out like a little bitch to anyone who didn't.) Were you one of the libturds who had a whole closet full of pretty little face diapers that you coordinated with your cute little outfits?

All of that I mentioned is on your boys watch, so don't give me the "tell me one thing in the last 40 years crap", this country has not in the past 40 years been in the peril it is right now due to your boy....if you can't see it and acknowledge that your boy is fucking this country up, you're a delusional dipshit. Just wait until the next terrorist attack thanks to your boy letting millions of illegals and terrorists think 9-11 was bad, the next attack they carry out will make that look like child's play. And you honestly think the donkeys have done one positive thing for you in the past 3're telling me you're better off now than you were under Trump, if so, you're a lying sack of shit. You need mental health treatment, TDS is a real thing!

Every election cycle, the Democrats feast on people like're weak, you're emasculated and you love big government telling you how/when/where. The Donkeys come around every election cycle promising you this, that and the other and you fall for it hook, line and sinker.

And one more thing, I'd be ashamed to say I support any politician or party that makes abortion their #1, #2, #3, #4, #5 and so on issue. Polling shows that abortion is at best, the 5th or 6th most important issue to the American people and abortions have declined significantly in the past 20 years, yet Joe and his hoe both attended abortion rallies last week.....think of that, rallying about killing the unborn, sometimes up to the time of're a sick POS and so is your party.

Go seek help, you need it.
um, any particular reason you haven't answered the actual questions? you bitch and complain, but... you can't come up with one actual fact.

so i ask yet again...
please name one republican policy from the last 40 years that helps the working class. just one. c'mon, you can do it!!

and please elaborate on how exactly joe biden has destroyed YOUR life.

and this is hilarious...
doing as you were told to get your jabs

you know every fucking republican politician got vaccinated, right? do you have any idea how much contempt they have for you?