The Americans......The final season (Season 6)


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May 26, 2002

The final season begins March 28th, I can't wait:spotting:

Any other Madjackers going to watch the final season? This is one of the best shows on TV, a shame it is coming to an end, but as they say nothing lasts forever. The writers have done an amazing job with this show, I think they end it with a bang (pardon the pun), we will find out soon enough.:firing:

Will Paige get her first kill?
Will Elizabeth and Philip survive?
What will happen when Stan finally finds out the truth?
Are we going to get some surprise visits from characters from the early episodes (Season 1 and 2)?

Is Martha Hanson going to fuck some shit up?

Season 6 Episode 1 28th Mar "Dead Hand"

Season 6 Episode 2 04th Apr "Tchaikovsky"

Season 6 Episode 3 11th Apr "Urban Transport Planning"

Season 6 Episode 4 18th Apr "Mr. and Mrs. Teacup"

Season 6 Episode 5 25th Apr "The Great Patriotic War"

Season 6 Episode 6 02nd May "Rififi"

Season 6 Episode 7 09th May "Harvest"

Season 6 Episode 8 16th May "The Summit"

Season 6 Episode 9 23th May "Jennings, Elizabeth"

Season 6 Episode 10 30th May "START"


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May 26, 2002
Season 6 Episode 1 28th Mar "Dead Hand"

We have jumped all the way to 1987, and Philip is loving his retirement:spotting:

- I guess it is official, Elizabeth is burned out, yep the job has finally caught up with her, she needs a vacation for sure, she is burned the fuck outkurby

- And so it begins, it will be Elizabeth versus Philip, who saw that coming, they have always been there for one another and now they will be against one another, this is going to be good:firing:

- Bad error by Paige, but mommy was there to clean up the mess:scared Of course Elizabeth would have never done that earlier in the decade but she's mentally done now, she's breaking down and making errors she'd never make in the past. I mean she just walked up to the dude in the street and stabbed him and all he had on him was Paige's fake ID:scared

Huge props to the writers for coming up with the Elizabeth versus Philip angle, that is brilliant:clap:

I sure hope Elizabeth, Philip, and Oleg survive the season, but pretty clear one of em will die. Oleg is a good dude, he deserves to live, but something tells me he's a goner. You could tell the way he was holding his son before he left for America, he pretty much knew he ain't coming back:cry: Paige won't die, she'll make it out alive, but odds are real good one of her parents won't make it. Elizabeth now has that cyanide capsule around her neck, so she has an easy out, if she dies I think she'll kill herself.

Philip may have to become a spy again to save his family, and the entire world for that matter, now that is some good shit right there let me tell yadance2

This is going to be one hell of a season:00hour
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May 26, 2002
And I will say this now, if Paige dies it will be one of the most shocking deaths in TV history, that would be fucked up.

But if that happened, imagine what Philip would do:scared


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May 26, 2002
I'll be watching. I like the show a lot, but it gets kind of stupid sometimes with how perfectly all their assignments go.

Not many of their assignments "go perfectly", there seems to always be fallout. And it looks like this season it will be impossible for that to happen considering you now have the Elizabeth versus Philip scenario playing out.

I wonder what is going to happen when Stan finally finds out the truth? Is he going to side with his buddy Philip? I don't see him turning in his buddy, but we shall see.

This final season looks like it is going to be awesome:firing:

And we have not seen the last of Martha Hanson, count on that:shade:


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May 26, 2002
Season 6 Episode 2 04th Apr "Tchaikovsky"

- Well I guess Elizabeth can no longer lie to Paige about what she does, the "blood/brains all over the face" kinda puts a stop to that :142smilie

- Looks like the Jennings might be having money troubles, Philip sure looked at that ATM receipt for a long time and was not happy he lost that big client. Maybe time for Philip to get back in that game and pick up some extra cash.

- Anybody catch the "Mail Robot cameo", awesome:142smilie Next up.........bring on Martha:00hour


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May 26, 2002
Season 6 Episode 3 11th Apr "Urban Transport Planning"

- Elizabeth can't go one week without killing somebody:facepalm:

- Philip needs some cash.

- Stan and Oleg talk about Nina, ahhhhhhhhhh poor Nina:cry:

- What's up with Stan?s wife Renee announcing that she wants to become an FBI agent? She can't be a spy, nahhh she can't:shrug:
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May 26, 2002
Season 6 Episode 4 18th Apr "Mr. and Mrs. Teacup"

- It doesn't look good for Stan, looks like he'll be meeting up with Elizabeth soon:scared

- It is official, Philip is spying on his wife, if Elizabeth finds out we are going to have ourselves one hell of a fight, look out:scared

- Elizabeth continues to kill pretty much everybody, I think we added three more bodies to the list.

- Paige is following in mommies footsteps, she keeps this up she might end up dead.

- Elizabeth not all that supportive when she finds out they won't have enough money for Henry's tuition, nope she was not exactly the supportive wife in that instance now was she "He's your department":facepalm:


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May 26, 2002

Season 6 Episode 5 25th Apr "The Great Patriotic War"

- Elizabeth slits Sofia throat with her son Ilya in the next room, well that was hard to watch now wasn't it:scared Oh and Gennadi gets his throat slit in the kitchen, yep Elizabeth just keeps on killing.

- Stan is pissed, we all think Stan is going to die, but maybe he survives and he kills Elizabeth?

- Philip has had enough, once he found out Elizabeth killed Sofia and Gennadi, that was it, yep it is on.

- Kimmy gets saved, nice job Philip.

- Philip gives Paige a little lesson, enough of that sparring in the garage shit.


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May 26, 2002
Season 6 Episode 6 02nd May "Rififi"

- Stan sure got all fired up at that Thanksgiving dinner now didn't he:firing:

- Nice of Elizabeth to give Henry a call.

- Elizabeth actually went 4 days without killing somebody.

- Philip in full spy mode on his wife, yep it is on:firing:

- Love the scene in the elevator with the mail robot:lol:

- What the hell is up with Renee? Does she want that job at the FBI because she is working with the Russians?


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May 26, 2002
Season 6 Episode 7 09th May "Harvest"

- Stan was oh so close to finding out what Elizabeth and Philip were all about:scared

- Paige is all in:firing:


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May 26, 2002
Season 6 Episode 8 16th May "The Summit"

- Gee whatta know Elizabeth finally listened to Philip

- Stan getting oh so close to finding out what his neighbours are all about

- Stavos knew something was up in the back room:scared

- Where is Martha at?


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May 26, 2002
Season 6 Episode 9 23th May "Jennings, Elizabeth"

- Paige sure let her mother have it:scared

- Stan oh so close to figuring it all out

- Don't lie to Elizabeth.............ever.


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Top Poster Of Month
May 26, 2002
Series Finale has almost arrived..........

Episode 10 30th May "START"

Can't wait to watch it:spotting::firing::firing::firing::firing:

Will the kids survive?
Will Stan survive?


Wrong Forum Mod
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May 26, 2002
Ends in whimper.........

HO HUM......

Hoping for border car chase, bloody shootout, exploding helicopters over Canada.......

We get mood music, sad goodbyes and nada......such a shame...could have been great...

I disagree I thought the ending with Elizabeth and Philip was excellent.

The scene in the garage was friggen amazing, and man oh man that phone call to Henry was a tear jerker:cry: Absolutely incredible acting as usual, one of the reasons why this show was one of the best ever put on tv.:clap:

Total shocker that Paige got off the train, I did not see that coming. I love how the writers left the "Paige didn't leave the USA" plot, could have a spin-off with Paige staying in Washington, smart writing there.

As mentioned above, the writers did an excellent job with the E&P wrap up, but I did not like how they didn't wrap up the "is Stan's wife a spy" angle. And we needed to find out if Stan helped Oleg, poor Oleg:cry:And what about Martha, why couldn't they have thrown us some Martha?

It sucks that this incredible show is all done now:cry:

Dead Money

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Sep 15, 2005
Upstairs watching sports on the big TV.
Alternate ending...

Alternate ending...

Stunned by Stan's sudden appearance in the parking garage; Phillip and Elizabeth, after much small talk, finally give it up.....

Stan orders them to the ground, Paige, sensing the worst, rushes Stan.

Stan, high on adrenalin and automatic FBI training, puts a round right between Paiges eyes.

Paige drops, Phillip, frozen, gapes in dis-belief, an enraged mother bear, charges Stan....

BAM! Stan fires a round thru her temple (he's a really good shot) she falls like a discarded toy doll, eyes strangely one open, one shut, there is a serene,almost peaceful look on her bloodied face.

Phillip, stunned, screams "NO" drops to his knees.
He looks at his lifeless wife and daughter, pulls out a hidden gun.
Stan points his weapon and tells Phillip...."Drop it".

Phillip, gazes emptily straight ahead..."Stan, I am sorry and by the way, your girl friend may be KGB." and swiftly puts the gun in his mouth and fires.....

Oleg, despondent after 2 years of incarceration, zero help from the motherland, is found hung in his cell.....

Martha, found true love with a yoga sex therapist, they have 3 children and have added 2 new sexual positions to the book.

Olegs family was rounded up, property confiscated, and shipped to a gulag in the frozen outskirts of Siberia.

Stan, the butt of too many jokes, was finally advised to take early retirement...he is single, currently managing a bowling alley in Sitka Alaska.

there ya go, a proper ending.....
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