The Charitable - Industrial Complex


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Jul 16, 1999
Recently read and did a very short presentation on an article written by Peter Buffet (son of Warren Buffet and accomplished musician, you have heard something he wrote).

The artitcle called The Charitable Industrial Complex ( New York Times, July 26, 2013) can easily be found on the internet. Also heard a very interesting interview with him.

the short article only two pages provides some interesting facts from 2001 - 2011 the number of nonprofits grew by 25%, the growth rate is more than governments and business. In 2012 it accounted for $316 billion and more than 9.4 million people were employed this is just in the US.

Warren Buffet gave most of his wealth away to the Gates foundation but also has funded a trust for all of his children to give to charity. He did this in 2006, Peter Buffet talks about how difficult it is to give away the money in a responsible manner.

During an interview he talked about one time about funding a well project to save the villagers (women, over an hour and half of labour), they put a well almost in the centre of the village. the only problem was that for women of the village this was also (besides being hard work) a social time where they could daily meet each other and talk to one another about their problems for that hour and a half. so did the well actually in this case improve their lives.

the interview and article is not suggesting we should not give to charities, actually the opposite of how important it is to give back. however that is harder to do than ever, and of all the things that have to be considered.

In Canada and the US would like a charity where some of these charities could be checked out, how much they spend what do they want to do, even the end goal or at least yearly goals, maybe the financials could be checked out by an ex auditor general that could run the numbers. more open and easy to understand. when billionaires can have trouble it must be hard and confusing for the average citizen, who is giving more money away to charity than ever....... for the most part: that is a good thing....just not easy...

a great article to read, not many answers but on a topic like this answers are hard to get......

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