This past week

Equity Trader

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Forum Member
Jan 21, 2000
With the market on the slide after a nice spike, a gift from the honorable Greenspan, with a .50 basis point rate cut earlier this week,today was a result of the labor department reporting a 4% unemployment and the street was expecting an increase.As first thought,most feel now the economy has no desire to slow down and many expect the feds not to be so generous with another rate cut at the end of the month as was first expected.Let us hope the first week of 2001 is not a preview of the rest of the year.

As Christmas season comes to pass and the jolly fat man heading back to the North Pole, leaving many elfs out of work and a major retailer after 100 plus years going out of business.One major setback for all this was the increase energy prices as the severe cold snap has hit most of the country.I suppose if you had to make a choice, heating your home is more important than watching your kids with all the remote toys flying around the house,maybe this was a god send for us parents.Oh well there is always next year.

One last note,if any of you noticed how tech stocks took a hit this past year,you might want to consider opening up a tech fund.Everything in this sector is down and now is a perfect time to establish yourself into a technology fund that will only grow from here and since it is so volatile,let the experts handle the research.There are many such funds and equaly attractive,mine is Strong Technology Fund and can be purchased on a dollar cost average for as little as 50$ per month.

Well investors have a good weekend and if anybody has any questions, just post them and I will get back with you.Later


Registered User
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Dec 5, 2000
I am curious about what you think of
ADC Telecommunications this stock has alot of mixed opinions but to me seems positioned for strong 2001. Thank you for any input...

Equity Trader

Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 21, 2000

ADCT..Is a solid company and the only problem that can effect it in the short term is if the economy slows down there by effecting the cut back spending from providers.Recent layoffs shows that the company is trying to maintain profitability and is an example of management has an eye on the present situation.
These layoffs are not a big deal since many of the workers were added in the recent quarter,part was due to the acquisitions last year.Wall Street does not mind layoffs.

With the 52 week low of 15.00 and the recent price of 17.00 does tend for it to be a right time to buy,therefore I recommend this a buy at these levels.

Disclaimer crap....This is not a blah blah blah a solicitation of this company and dd must be applied.

Good luck and solid investing.
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