Transgender women vs women in sports.

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Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Keep on legitimizing mental illness, you retard.

For the record I legitimize the following mental illnesses:

Anxiety Disorders
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Bipolar Disorder
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)
Dissociative Disorders
Eating Disorders
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Panic Disorder
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Schizoaffective Disorder
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Autism Spectrum Disorder

Since you think one who legitimizes mental illness is as you put it, "a retard", I just thought I'd clear it up for you:0008

Oh and you'll notice that I threw in Autism, which falls in nicely with your "retard" comment. So since I am mentally handicapped I guess I legitimize my own mental disorder, fuck yeah:00hour


I'm trite!
Forum Member
Jan 5, 2002
You are loud and clear about how normal it is for a man to want to cut his dick off. Congrats. :facepalm:


Forum Member
Mar 3, 2020
Rachel Nichols needs to come out as one or a lesbian to get some more diversity. Being just a white woman doesn't cut it anymore. The woke ass fucks want more. :weed:
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Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 13, 2009

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Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
Facebook is ridiculous with the censorship. I think I've been banned for all but 12 days of the calendar year so far. I politically identify as a liberal, obviously, but have been banned for the most ridiculous reasons lately. Current ban is because i answered a friend's satirical comment regarding the Germans bombing pearl harbor with a "lol, this damn French are all alike. Hahahaha" and boom 60 days. Before that, some guy absolutely unloaded on me with the whole gamut of anti- liberal pet names (libtard, pos traitor cocksucking snowflake etc...) and I responded with, "you're an imbecile"....30 days. It just is what it is at this point, however it is frustrating when you realize that once you're on the old Facebook "no fly list" so to speak, they really do not equitably censor anymore. I seem to beon very thin ice.
I know I could simply open another account but it isn't that important to me to be honest.

While I'm fairly certain all of the above means nothing to anyone but myself, I did want to comment on your Facebook having an agenda comment. I know I can be a dick to people at times, especially when it comes to Trump and the radical right etc... and on questions of civil rights, liberties, and equitable justice. Of course I think I'm on the right side of those arguments but I have to believe that everyone with an opinion thinks it's the right one, don't they? However this particular argument or topic you raise here is one that I truly don't have a strong feeling for either way yet and I can't really settle on one side, there's just too many "what about this person or that person" scenarios to really get into that keep me from thinking... okay it's this way or no... it's this way, if that makes any sense.
This is a perfect example and to me it's very difficult to say what side I'm on here.

Sorry for the long post but I see both sides of this and if I had to pick, all things being equal anatomically, I will probably fall on the side of the transwoman making the Olympics, but with a few misgivings. One is, would I feel the same hesitancy if this was a trans male (female to male) competing and qualifying in the men's division? I don't think I would because I honestly believe I'd be thinking like "holy shit, that's one bad bitch", she... now he... must have worked incredibly hard to develop the brute strength needed to compete against the men, but that entire line of thinking is already somewhat flawed because A, everyone had to work hard to make the team and B, I am still thinking of the athlete in a feminine sense when I shouldn't. The entire point of diverse acceptance is equality across the board right? So if I'm too think that there's a competitive advantage afforded a transwoman in women's sports than it would have to be true that I considered men to have the superior ability in those same areas or arenas? And I don't know that this is true. Yes, there are physical differences in our skeletal make up that allow men to gain more muscle mass but does that ALWAYS translate to more "strength and ability"? I believe the USA women's soccer team would have beaten the Men's for years, volleyball, tennis, badminton, who knows, but then you get down to competitions requiring mostly pure brute strength and practiced technique and it seems like the field isn't fair anymore. But then that begs the question, is that actually true? If through hormone therapy and such, facial hair can grow, bone density and thickness can be changed over time etc.... isn't it possible that given enough time a trans person could attain greater strength, speed, and muscle mass? And if those same people had as much time to train new muscle and such? I don't know. If a transwoman wanted to fight Thug Rose at 124 pounds so you think he now she would have an advantage? I would think there would be some heavy weight loss and some weakening of the muscle thus involved, and I think Rose would absolutely annihilate her. Just because it seems like it would be too much to "work on" to attain that level of mass, strength, stamina, speed and technique to be able to get to the level of all of that combined that Rose has been training her entire adult life with the same muscles and "body type" (I don't mean man or woman I mean her muscle- skeletal make up)? I just don't know man. I don't have those answers so...I don't know.

To the other folks who say it's a mental disorder to want to castrate yourself. Voluntary castration has been going on for thousands of years. Eunuchs, unsullied, peg boys, literally armies have been formed throughout history through castration. There are whole cultures and civilizations who still practice castration or genital mutilation voluntarily and they're not insane or mentally challenged. You're just bigoted and hateful and either don't care or don't care to admit it yet. You're entitled to hate anyone you want in the tiny confines of your mind. Just don't let that bigotry and hatred translate to hateful, hurtful or aggressive behavior and more importantly, don't project your own self- loathing onto others with bigoted hateful and hurtful speech. I can be a grade-A cunt at times with the name calling and shit. I get pissed off just like everyone else, but at the end of the day I know it's weak and I can do better. What do you do? People fucking suck sometimes, some more often than others. I'm in that demographic just like everyone else.
Quit being bigoted bleeding cunts about other people's personal fucking choices!! Nobody gives a flying suck on a rolling doughnut about your disgust or hatred of another human being because they aren't exactly like you. You fucking suck just as bad as everybody else in the first fucking place and we/they are all stuck here dealing with all same stupid shit as everyone else is, but at least you have clean water to drink, so shut the fuck up and swallow that shit back down like everyfuckingbody else does, for fucks sake.

This really didn't take that long to write..... hmmh..

Hope this helps,

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
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Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 23, 2008
Where it is real F ing COLD
Facebook is ridiculous with the censorship. I think I've been banned for all but 12 days of the calendar year so far. I politically identify as a liberal, obviously, but have been banned for the most ridiculous reasons lately. Current ban is because i answered a friend's satirical comment regarding the Germans bombing pearl harbor with a "lol, this damn French are all alike. Hahahaha" and boom 60 days. Before that, some guy absolutely unloaded on me with the whole gamut of anti- liberal pet names (libtard, pos traitor cocksucking snowflake etc...) and I responded with, "you're an imbecile"....30 days. It just is what it is at this point, however it is frustrating when you realize that once you're on the old Facebook "no fly list" so to speak, they really do not equitably censor anymore. I seem to beon very thin ice.
I know I could simply open another account but it isn't that important to me to be honest.

While I'm fairly certain all of the above means nothing to anyone but myself, I did want to comment on your Facebook having an agenda comment. I know I can be a dick to people at times, especially when it comes to Trump and the radical right etc... and on questions of civil rights, liberties, and equitable justice. Of course I think I'm on the right side of those arguments but I have to believe that everyone with an opinion thinks it's the right one, don't they? However this particular argument or topic you raise here is one that I truly don't have a strong feeling for either way yet and I can't really settle on one side, there's just too many "what about this person or that person" scenarios to really get into that keep me from thinking... okay it's this way or no... it's this way, if that makes any sense.
This is a perfect example and to me it's very difficult to say what side I'm on here.

Sorry for the long post but I see both sides of this and if I had to pick, all things being equal anatomically, I will probably fall on the side of the transwoman making the Olympics, but with a few misgivings. One is, would I feel the same hesitancy if this was a trans male (female to male) competing and qualifying in the men's division? I don't think I would because I honestly believe I'd be thinking like "holy shit, that's one bad bitch", she... now he... must have worked incredibly hard to develop the brute strength needed to compete against the men, but that entire line of thinking is already somewhat flawed because A, everyone had to work hard to make the team and B, I am still thinking of the athlete in a feminine sense when I shouldn't. The entire point of diverse acceptance is equality across the board right? So if I'm too think that there's a competitive advantage afforded a transwoman in women's sports than it would have to be true that I considered men to have the superior ability in those same areas or arenas? And I don't know that this is true. Yes, there are physical differences in our skeletal make up that allow men to gain more muscle mass but does that ALWAYS translate to more "strength and ability"? I believe the USA women's soccer team would have beaten the Men's for years, volleyball, tennis, badminton, who knows, but then you get down to competitions requiring mostly pure brute strength and practiced technique and it seems like the field isn't fair anymore. But then that begs the question, is that actually true? If through hormone therapy and such, facial hair can grow, bone density and thickness can be changed over time etc.... isn't it possible that given enough time a trans person could attain greater strength, speed, and muscle mass? And if those same people had as much time to train new muscle and such? I don't know. If a transwoman wanted to fight Thug Rose at 124 pounds so you think he now she would have an advantage? I would think there would be some heavy weight loss and some weakening of the muscle thus involved, and I think Rose would absolutely annihilate her. Just because it seems like it would be too much to "work on" to attain that level of mass, strength, stamina, speed and technique to be able to get to the level of all of that combined that Rose has been training her entire adult life with the same muscles and "body type" (I don't mean man or woman I mean her muscle- skeletal make up)? I just don't know man. I don't have those answers so...I don't know.

To the other folks who say it's a mental disorder to want to castrate yourself. Voluntary castration has been going on for thousands of years. Eunuchs, unsullied, peg boys, literally armies have been formed throughout history through castration. There are whole cultures and civilizations who still practice castration or genital mutilation voluntarily and they're not insane or mentally challenged. You're just bigoted and hateful and either don't care or don't care to admit it yet. You're entitled to hate anyone you want in the tiny confines of your mind. Just don't let that bigotry and hatred translate to hateful, hurtful or aggressive behavior and more importantly, don't project your own self- loathing onto others with bigoted hateful and hurtful speech. I can be a grade-A cunt at times with the name calling and shit. I get pissed off just like everyone else, but at the end of the day I know it's weak and I can do better. What do you do? People fucking suck sometimes, some more often than others. I'm in that demographic just like everyone else.
Quit being bigoted bleeding cunts about other people's personal fucking choices!! Nobody gives a flying suck on a rolling doughnut about your disgust or hatred of another human being because they aren't exactly like you. You fucking suck just as bad as everybody else in the first fucking place and we/they are all stuck here dealing with all same stupid shit as everyone else is, but at least you have clean water to drink, so shut the fuck up and swallow that shit back down like everyfuckingbody else does, for fucks sake.

This really didn't take that long to write..... hmmh..

Hope this helps,

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Agreed with a lot except.. the men?s soccer team would destroy the women?s

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Jack's Mentor
Forum Member
Jan 18, 2000
Crustacean Nation
Facebook is ridiculous with the censorship. I think I've been banned for all but 12 days of the calendar year so far. I politically identify as a liberal, obviously, but have been banned for the most ridiculous reasons lately. Current ban is because i answered a friend's satirical comment regarding the Germans bombing pearl harbor with a "lol, this damn French are all alike. Hahahaha" and boom 60 days. Before that, some guy absolutely unloaded on me with the whole gamut of anti- liberal pet names (libtard, pos traitor cocksucking snowflake etc...) and I responded with, "you're an imbecile"....30 days. It just is what it is at this point, however it is frustrating when you realize that once you're on the old Facebook "no fly list" so to speak, they really do not equitably censor anymore. I seem to beon very thin ice.
I know I could simply open another account but it isn't that important to me to be honest.

While I'm fairly certain all of the above means nothing to anyone but myself, I did want to comment on your Facebook having an agenda comment. I know I can be a dick to people at times, especially when it comes to Trump and the radical right etc... and on questions of civil rights, liberties, and equitable justice. Of course I think I'm on the right side of those arguments but I have to believe that everyone with an opinion thinks it's the right one, don't they? However this particular argument or topic you raise here is one that I truly don't have a strong feeling for either way yet and I can't really settle on one side, there's just too many "what about this person or that person" scenarios to really get into that keep me from thinking... okay it's this way or no... it's this way, if that makes any sense.
This is a perfect example and to me it's very difficult to say what side I'm on here.

Sorry for the long post but I see both sides of this and if I had to pick, all things being equal anatomically, I will probably fall on the side of the transwoman making the Olympics, but with a few misgivings. One is, would I feel the same hesitancy if this was a trans male (female to male) competing and qualifying in the men's division? I don't think I would because I honestly believe I'd be thinking like "holy shit, that's one bad bitch", she... now he... must have worked incredibly hard to develop the brute strength needed to compete against the men, but that entire line of thinking is already somewhat flawed because A, everyone had to work hard to make the team and B, I am still thinking of the athlete in a feminine sense when I shouldn't. The entire point of diverse acceptance is equality across the board right? So if I'm too think that there's a competitive advantage afforded a transwoman in women's sports than it would have to be true that I considered men to have the superior ability in those same areas or arenas? And I don't know that this is true. Yes, there are physical differences in our skeletal make up that allow men to gain more muscle mass but does that ALWAYS translate to more "strength and ability"? I believe the USA women's soccer team would have beaten the Men's for years, volleyball, tennis, badminton, who knows, but then you get down to competitions requiring mostly pure brute strength and practiced technique and it seems like the field isn't fair anymore. But then that begs the question, is that actually true? If through hormone therapy and such, facial hair can grow, bone density and thickness can be changed over time etc.... isn't it possible that given enough time a trans person could attain greater strength, speed, and muscle mass? And if those same people had as much time to train new muscle and such? I don't know. If a transwoman wanted to fight Thug Rose at 124 pounds so you think he now she would have an advantage? I would think there would be some heavy weight loss and some weakening of the muscle thus involved, and I think Rose would absolutely annihilate her. Just because it seems like it would be too much to "work on" to attain that level of mass, strength, stamina, speed and technique to be able to get to the level of all of that combined that Rose has been training her entire adult life with the same muscles and "body type" (I don't mean man or woman I mean her muscle- skeletal make up)? I just don't know man. I don't have those answers so...I don't know.

To the other folks who say it's a mental disorder to want to castrate yourself. Voluntary castration has been going on for thousands of years. Eunuchs, unsullied, peg boys, literally armies have been formed throughout history through castration. There are whole cultures and civilizations who still practice castration or genital mutilation voluntarily and they're not insane or mentally challenged. You're just bigoted and hateful and either don't care or don't care to admit it yet. You're entitled to hate anyone you want in the tiny confines of your mind. Just don't let that bigotry and hatred translate to hateful, hurtful or aggressive behavior and more importantly, don't project your own self- loathing onto others with bigoted hateful and hurtful speech. I can be a grade-A cunt at times with the name calling and shit. I get pissed off just like everyone else, but at the end of the day I know it's weak and I can do better. What do you do? People fucking suck sometimes, some more often than others. I'm in that demographic just like everyone else.
Quit being bigoted bleeding cunts about other people's personal fucking choices!! Nobody gives a flying suck on a rolling doughnut about your disgust or hatred of another human being because they aren't exactly like you. You fucking suck just as bad as everybody else in the first fucking place and we/they are all stuck here dealing with all same stupid shit as everyone else is, but at least you have clean water to drink, so shut the fuck up and swallow that shit back down like everyfuckingbody else does, for fucks sake.

This really didn't take that long to write..... hmmh..

Hope this helps,

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Hi Cris,

I've tried reaching out to you on FB but Zuck keeps saying "this account is shut yet again because Cris doesn't play well with others"....hmmmm....Hope all is well, Patti still laughs at your photo bomb pic from Colorado.....''I tried reading your whole post here, I really did....But truth be known, it was a tad to long....:mj07:


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
Hi Cris,

I've tried reaching out to you on FB but Zuck keeps saying "this account is shut yet again because Cris doesn't play well with others"....hmmmm....Hope all is well, Patti still laughs at your photo bomb pic from Colorado.....''I tried reading your whole post here, I really did....But truth be known, it was a tad to long....:mj07:
Haha. Yeah I know it's wordy brother. I always do that shit for some reason. Oh well, I haven't been told it's too long in some time now, so I'll take it. Lol.

That Colorado trip was a gas. We really need to do that again. Except no snow this time

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg

Wayne Vegas

Forum Member
Sep 10, 2017
The Dark Side
Facebook is ridiculous with the censorship. I think I've been banned for all but 12 days of the calendar year so far. I politically identify as a liberal, obviously, but have been banned for the most ridiculous reasons lately. Current ban is because i answered a friend's satirical comment regarding the Germans bombing pearl harbor with a "lol, this damn French are all alike. Hahahaha" and boom 60 days. Before that, some guy absolutely unloaded on me with the whole gamut of anti- liberal pet names (libtard, pos traitor cocksucking snowflake etc...) and I responded with, "you're an imbecile"....30 days. It just is what it is at this point, however it is frustrating when you realize that once you're on the old Facebook "no fly list" so to speak, they really do not equitably censor anymore. I seem to beon very thin ice.
I know I could simply open another account but it isn't that important to me to be honest.

While I'm fairly certain all of the above means nothing to anyone but myself, I did want to comment on your Facebook having an agenda comment. I know I can be a dick to people at times, especially when it comes to Trump and the radical right etc... and on questions of civil rights, liberties, and equitable justice. Of course I think I'm on the right side of those arguments but I have to believe that everyone with an opinion thinks it's the right one, don't they? However this particular argument or topic you raise here is one that I truly don't have a strong feeling for either way yet and I can't really settle on one side, there's just too many "what about this person or that person" scenarios to really get into that keep me from thinking... okay it's this way or no... it's this way, if that makes any sense.
This is a perfect example and to me it's very difficult to say what side I'm on here.

Sorry for the long post but I see both sides of this and if I had to pick, all things being equal anatomically, I will probably fall on the side of the transwoman making the Olympics, but with a few misgivings. One is, would I feel the same hesitancy if this was a trans male (female to male) competing and qualifying in the men's division? I don't think I would because I honestly believe I'd be thinking like "holy shit, that's one bad bitch", she... now he... must have worked incredibly hard to develop the brute strength needed to compete against the men, but that entire line of thinking is already somewhat flawed because A, everyone had to work hard to make the team and B, I am still thinking of the athlete in a feminine sense when I shouldn't. The entire point of diverse acceptance is equality across the board right? So if I'm too think that there's a competitive advantage afforded a transwoman in women's sports than it would have to be true that I considered men to have the superior ability in those same areas or arenas? And I don't know that this is true. Yes, there are physical differences in our skeletal make up that allow men to gain more muscle mass but does that ALWAYS translate to more "strength and ability"? I believe the USA women's soccer team would have beaten the Men's for years, volleyball, tennis, badminton, who knows, but then you get down to competitions requiring mostly pure brute strength and practiced technique and it seems like the field isn't fair anymore. But then that begs the question, is that actually true? If through hormone therapy and such, facial hair can grow, bone density and thickness can be changed over time etc.... isn't it possible that given enough time a trans person could attain greater strength, speed, and muscle mass? And if those same people had as much time to train new muscle and such? I don't know. If a transwoman wanted to fight Thug Rose at 124 pounds so you think he now she would have an advantage? I would think there would be some heavy weight loss and some weakening of the muscle thus involved, and I think Rose would absolutely annihilate her. Just because it seems like it would be too much to "work on" to attain that level of mass, strength, stamina, speed and technique to be able to get to the level of all of that combined that Rose has been training her entire adult life with the same muscles and "body type" (I don't mean man or woman I mean her muscle- skeletal make up)? I just don't know man. I don't have those answers so...I don't know.

To the other folks who say it's a mental disorder to want to castrate yourself. Voluntary castration has been going on for thousands of years. Eunuchs, unsullied, peg boys, literally armies have been formed throughout history through castration. There are whole cultures and civilizations who still practice castration or genital mutilation voluntarily and they're not insane or mentally challenged. You're just bigoted and hateful and either don't care or don't care to admit it yet. You're entitled to hate anyone you want in the tiny confines of your mind. Just don't let that bigotry and hatred translate to hateful, hurtful or aggressive behavior and more importantly, don't project your own self- loathing onto others with bigoted hateful and hurtful speech. I can be a grade-A cunt at times with the name calling and shit. I get pissed off just like everyone else, but at the end of the day I know it's weak and I can do better. What do you do? People fucking suck sometimes, some more often than others. I'm in that demographic just like everyone else.
Quit being bigoted bleeding cunts about other people's personal fucking choices!! Nobody gives a flying suck on a rolling doughnut about your disgust or hatred of another human being because they aren't exactly like you. You fucking suck just as bad as everybody else in the first fucking place and we/they are all stuck here dealing with all same stupid shit as everyone else is, but at least you have clean water to drink, so shut the fuck up and swallow that shit back down like everyfuckingbody else does, for fucks sake.

This really didn't take that long to write..... hmmh..

Hope this helps,

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Hard to take someone serious that thinks the women?s national team would beat the men. They would lose by 20 goals. They lost to a 14 year old boys team 2 years ago. I would say that?s the dumbest shit I?ve read on here but it has a lot competition from all the other stupid shit the liberal idiots post.