Old School I bought a position in FB over a year ago, shareclub we pick 3 stocks late in the year, not this year but last picked it up just below 30 (29.50) it is posted here in this forum, somewhere.
also posted here is sold most of the position around 75% around 57.75, and of coarse it then rocketed to high of 72.59. went down in their ipo and just sold down so bought it when it was in a rally, hate buying a stock making new lows. FB is now over $60 ($60.95).
I am always nervous when buying a stock like fb, more use to railways, pipleiines, reits, banks, ect. the stock is expensive on most metrics, however there is huge potenial, still own a small position.
believe they can get mobile to work, also they have a large user base 1 billion over, maybe 600-700 million use it daily or semi. also can they make ads even more localized, probably.
plenty of potential, the one negative is the valuation, during a bull market growth stocks get high valuation.
have a small position, will sell it out if it hits $50 stop.